Stormwater Management OrdinanceOn April 28, 2014, the West Donegal Township Board of Supervisors adopted a new Stormwater Management Ordinance to implement the Lancaster County Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan. The Stormwater Management Ordinance can be found by clicking here. The Stormwater Management Ordinance provides for permits based on the amount of new impervious area proposed for each property. The Ordinance requires preparation of a Stormwater Management Site Plan unless the project is exempted or considered a Small Project. The applicable appendix should be completed and submitted with your zoning permit application or plan package. The following are the guidelines for the permits required for the size of your project: Stormwater Exemption - 0-1,000 SF - For this application, complete Appendix A-1, click here (provides for exemption of the plan processing details). The fee schedule associated with the new Stormwater Management Ordinance, can be found under the Forms tab. |