Agendas and meeting minutes for the Township's various Boards and the Planning Commission are posted to our Ecode360 website. At the top of the page, click on the "Get Updates" button to receive an email notification each time we post updates to this site. You can also access these items at the links below. Board of SupervisorsThe West Donegal Township Board of Supervisors meets on the 2nd Monday of the month for their regular meeting. A board of supervisors workshop is scheduled for the 4th Monday of the month on an as needed basis. The Board of Supervisors regular meetings and workshops are livestreamed via our YouTube channel. Each meeting's video stream typically begins 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. The livestream is for broadcast purposes only and is not meant to be interactive. Residents viewing the livestream who wish to comment or ask questions should do so via email at info@wdtwp.com or telephone at 717 367-7178. Please note that video of the YouTube livestream is not the official record of the meeting. Livestream videos are removed from our YouTube channel after the official meeting minutes for that meeting are approved, typically at the next official public meeting of the Board. Planning CommissionThe West Donegal Township Planning Commission meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month on an as needed basis, depending on agenda items. Zoning Hearing BoardThe West Donegal Township Zoning Hearing Board meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month on an as needed basis, depending on agenda items. Board of AuditorsThe West Donegal Township Board of Auditors meets in January of each year on the day following the Township's annual reorganization meeting. |