COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATEWe have begun the process of updating our regional comprehensive plan in conjunction with Elizabethtown Borough, Conoy Township and Mount Joy Township. The four municipalities have been working with the Lancaster County Planning Department to move this effort forward in coordination with the County's comprehensive plan, Places 2040. As part of that process, we have residents of the region to find out what they believe is important for the region to consider as we think about land use and planning for the next 10 years and beyond. A draft version of the plan will be presented to the public later this year with the goal of plan adoption by the municipalities by year's end. The most recent draft of the proposed plan update can be downloaded from our public documents site. Regional Comprehensive PlanThe Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) calls for municipalities in the Commonwealth to prepare or update comprehensive plans every ten (10) years. Such plans are intended to identify issues facing communities and to lay out those steps that are to be taken to address them and shape a community’s desired future. The MPC also provides for multiple municipalities to plan together in recognition that land uses and their impacts, and community life and its issues transcend municipal boundaries. Given the region’s tradition of collaboration among its municipalities, West Donegal Township in collaboration with Elizabethtown Borough, Mount Joy Township and Conoy Township maintain a regional comprehensive plan for the northwest region of the County. The regional comprehensive plan was first adopted in 1989. It was updated in 1997 and again in 2010. The Municipalities and the County are currently in the process of updating the 2010 plan to coordinate it with the County's recently adopted comprehensive plan entitled Places 2040. All documents linked below are in PDF form. Click here to view the 2010 Regional Comprehensive Plan Click here to view maps from the 2010 Plan Click here to view the 1997 Plan Click here to view the 1989 Plan Click here to view a copy of Lancaster County's Places 2040 plan